Merge began in 2011 with a vision from the Student Pastor at Triangle Community Church in Apex, NC, Kevin Deming. Kevin reached out to local churches to see if they would want to come together, pool their resources, and create a gathering for middle and high school students. Kevin has since left to go on staff at a church in West Virginia, but thanks to his work to make this yearly event a collaborative effort of local churches, Merge continues! Merge is a collaborative effort from all churches involved, hosted at Triangle Community Church in Apex until 2025 and will be hosted at Shiloh Baptist Church in 2025.

Merge aims to create an environment where students can worship together in big group (Merge) gatherings, dig deep in the Word through small group (Submerge) gatherings in host homes, and benefit from available one-on-one time with their leaders throughout the weekend. To accomplish this, churches gather at TCC for three big group gatherings while students stay in host homes for the weekend that are organized by their own church. Questions for Submerge sessions are provided after each Merge session for small group leaders in the homes.  

Churches organize and do a mission project or some type of recreation on their own Saturday afternoon. Churches also collect items and an offering for one local ministry each year.  In 2016, students gave money and collected books for Christian Library International (CLI). In 2017, Merge churches collected macaroni and cheese and toilet paper for With Love From Jesus Ministries and supported them with an offering of over $1800! In 2018, Merge supported Hand of Hope with an offering and by collecting diapers and baby items for their ministry. In 2019, Merge collected an offering that gave over $1300 for hurricane relief to Baptists on Mission. In 2023, Merge churches collected canned goods for With Love From Jesus Ministries.

What We Believe

About the Scriptures

We believe the Bible, in its original languages, is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and is the final authority for what we believe and how we behave. What God revealed in the autographs (original documents) of the Old and New Testaments, He has, through His providential protection, preserved from corruption during the process of transmission so that the 66 books of the Bible that we have today are the Word of God.

About God

We believe there is one God, creator of all things, eternally existent as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - the Holy Trinity.

About Jesus

We believe God took on human form in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, was crucified for our sins, was buried, was bodily resurrected, ascended to the right hand of the Father where He now serves as the believer's advocate before the Father, and will come again in power and glory.

About Humanity

We believe man was created in the image of God; since the fall of Adam all humans are born sinners unable to make themselves acceptable to God through their own efforts.

About Salvation

We believe personal salvation comes when the individual is called by God to repentance and accepts God's salvation by grace through faith in the substitutionary sacrificial death and shed blood of Jesus Christ. 

About the Holy Spirit

We believe that at the moment of salvation the Holy Spirit imparts new life to the believing sinner, baptizes the new believer into the body of Christ, and comes to permanently indwell him. The Holy Spirit guides, instructs, and empowers the believer to live a lifestyle that pleases and glorifies God. He endows believers with spiritual gifts for mutual edification and distinct ministries.

*Statements adopted from Grace Community Church (Angier, NC)



6:45 PM Arrive @ Shiloh

7:00 PM Adult Leader Meeting

7:15 PM Doors open @ Shiloh

7:30 PM Main Session 1 

9:00 PM Late Night Activity

10:30 PM Church Group Time @ Shiloh

11:00 PM Dismiss to Host Homes


10:30 AM Doors open @ Shiloh 

10:45 AM Main Session 2

12:00 PM Lunch provided

12:45 PM Evangelism Training

1:15 PM Dismiss to evangelism locations

3:30 PM Church Group Activity/Free Time/Dinner with your church

7:15 PM Doors open @ Shiloh 

7:30 PM Main Session 3

9:00 PM Church Group Time

10:00 PM Dismiss to Host Homes


Attend worship with your group at your home church

If you are interested in participating in Merge,

share this site with your youth leader

and ask them to contact us!