MARCH 14-16, 2025

connecting churches for christ

Merge is a gathering of churches in southern Wake and northern Harnett counties of North Carolina

2025 Theme | Missio DEI

And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:17–20


Gabriel Williams | 2025

Gabriel Williams is a Sanderson High School graduate with a brief basketball career. He always had a deep passion for furthering his basketball career. However, another lifestyle was keeping him from seeing the fullness of Christ. That lifestyle led him to jail, where he would come to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

God's grace gave him a second chance to further his basketball career at Wake Tech. While at Wake Tech, he was introduced to FCA. He would later suffer a severe concussion that had him sitting out most of the season during his second year. During that time, he was invited to be a huddle leader at an FCA middle school retreat and to serve on a mission trip with FCA in Barbados. Since then, God has revealed a deep passion in his heart to see the Triangle transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ through sports.

As the Character Coach and Chaplain for Duke University’s football team, he is committed to Engaging relationally with the coaches, athletes, and their families to foster gospel-centered relationships and offer spiritual support. His aim is to Equip them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and resources to navigate the high demands of football and their personal lives. Finally, he strives to Empower them to be an example for others to follow as they grow in their faith, improve athletically, and build relationships with others.

Austin Miller Band | 2025

Austin Miller Band is a group based out of the Carolinas that formed in 2018. Known for their high energy and passion, AMB strives to point others to Christ through their music and lives. Austin Miller Band recently released their debut EP: "ALTERNATIVE worship!". Front man, Austin Miller, has been involved in ministry (camps/retreats/events and church ministry) for years and understands the importance of these critical years, desiring students to experience the freedom that comes from Christ. 



6:45 PM Arrive @ Shiloh

7:00 PM Adult Leader Meeting

7:15 PM Doors open @ Shiloh

7:30 PM Main Session 1 

9:00 PM Late Night Activity

10:30 PM Church Group Time @ Shiloh

11:00 PM Dismiss to Host Homes


10:30 AM Doors open @ Shiloh 

10:45 AM Main Session 2

12:00 PM Lunch provided

12:45 PM Evangelism Training

1:15 PM Dismiss to evangelism locations

3:30 PM Church Group Activity/Free Time/Dinner with your church

7:15 PM Doors open @ Shiloh 

7:30 PM Main Session 3

9:00 PM Church Group Time

10:00 PM Dismiss to Host Homes


Attend worship with your group at your home church

If you are interested in participating in Merge,

share this site with your youth leader

and ask them to contact us!